Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Wearing his birthday present - Luke Skywalker's outfit and lightsaber!

Party time! He invited five friends to a lego party, there was lots of lego building.

Cake time, and as you can see below I attemped a lego brick chocolate cake, it was devoured, even being gluten free!

And Pizza for lunch!

My baby is seven and I can't believe where the time has gone.

Dear Caleb,
Happy Birthday darling boy! I am so proud of you. You have such a
beautiful heart, so joyful and full of life. You are as your name says
bold, brave and courageous. I know you will do great things! Thank you
for your wonderful cuddles, the way you make me laugh and your kisses.
Enjoy every day, stay strong and close to Jesus. I love you, Your mum xx

To my beautiful boy Caleb,
You are a joy to have, and I will always love you. I pray you will continue to grow in Him as you enjoy your life. Happy Birthday, Love Daddy xx

1 comment:

Skye said...

Yes a big happy B'day to you Caleb & thankyou for sharing it with our boys they had a great day!!