Monday, September 22, 2008

Gratitude Monday...

Today I'm just thankful to pause on one of those 'not going so well days', and here are a few of the other wealth of blessings I'm grateful for...

- A time to celebrate our 9 years of marriage by being by ourselves, getting dressed up and going out to dinner, the Theatre and breakfast!! And sharing together our memories and dreaming of ones to come.

- Two little boys who were so brave and spent their first night away from us - Thank you W's and Thank you

- My little sister's in town and her beautiful boys. And doing beads together of all things!!

- I'm sorry's, I love you's and I forgive you's and the Peace that follows.

- This beautiful warm spring and the blossoms beginning to open...and getting to wear skirts again!

1 comment:

Skye said...

kerrie-that was beautiful. Very heartfelt & I'm with you totally where your at.XX S