Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Birds and snakes...

We had a lovely morning visiting Daisy Hill Koala Park and Glindemann Park, while there we encountered a few birds. I find all the boys need is an outing to get their creative juices flowing. Good for this mummy too!
They couldn't draw these birds and snakes(no we didn't see any snakes, not that it would have bothered them) quick enough to then begin telling their stories to each other. I love seeing their intense concentration!
We saw a laughing Kookaburra and a Noisy Miner. Caleb's pictures are of a Regent Bowerbird, a Rainbow Lorikeet and a made up bird called ' a long beaked bird'!! Sebastian is drawing the Common Tree Snake.
Homeschooling at it's best!

1 comment:

Skye said...

Great drawings. Looking forward to 'Grattitude Monday' and 'Illustation Friday'. Thanks for last night it was lovely and highly needed!!